With so much emphasis on the internet as a marketing tool, I have run into something odd. For about 3 weeks I have been offering a quite expensive give-away to the first couple to book their wedding photography with me and mention the offer. Lots of people have visited the site since the offer was posted; but nobody has claimed the gift.
It isn't because nobody has booked, and I don't believe no-one wants the $300 gift (it's attractive and a sought after item). In the past, offers for similar items have been snapped up, and this is a particularly good example, especially for someone planning a wedding. I think it might be that, although people looking for the right wedding photographer spend some time in my galleries and reviewing my services, they might not really read much of the home page, and the various special offers are "below the fold" in ad speak - you have to scroll down the page to see them. So perhaps, a client will have a look at my pictures, decide to engage me as their photographer and send off an e-mail without ever knowing about the nice little bonus on offer.
Next week, I'll move the offer up the page and see who claims it.